Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can I trade in one car that $11K is still owed and a truck that is paid for to cover the cost of the 1st car?

The first car is a honda civic 2002 in good condition, worth about 8K by KBB. The 2nd is 2000 Nissan Frontier in fair condition worth about 4K KBB.
Can I trade in one car that $11K is still owed and a truck that is paid for to cover the cost of the 1st car?
Maybe, it really depends on the dealership that you choose, but any dealership should give you close to the 11k.
Can I trade in one car that $11K is still owed and a truck that is paid for to cover the cost of the 1st car?
If your figures are trade in value, then maybe. If your figures are retail, no.

The dealer has to make a profit, so he can't buy your car(s) at full retail value.

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