Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to sell a car you're still making payments on?

How do I privately sell my car that I still have a loan for? I live in CT if that makes a difference.
How to sell a car you're still making payments on?
To sell a car you're still making payments on, have the buyer either pay the bank directly, or pay you so you can pay off the loan.

If the car has a lien, the original title will be mailed from the bank to whoever paid them for the car. Buyers of cars with liens can get temporary operating permits from the DMV, using the bill of sale.
How to sell a car you're still making payments on?
If your loan is through a regular lender that has an office you can go to, you and the buyer can go to their office and the buyer can give them certified funds to pay the vehicle off. The lender will then give you the title and you will transfer it to the buyer. If the lender is not local, you would need to give the buyer a bill of sale with the provision included that you will forward the title upon receipt. You would take their funds and overnight them to the lender and see if they can priority mail your title to you. You would then complete the transaction with the buyer. It is most important that the buyer get a bill of sale. Your local DMV should have a form available on their website with a sample bill of sale. Note that some buyers will not agree to such a transaction if they have to wait for a title. I ran into that problem once. I did eventually sell to someone who understood how it works. Another option is if you have a 401K plan, you could borrow the money to pay the vehicle off and then pay the 401K loan off when you sell the vehicle.

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