Friday, March 12, 2010

Auto loan for me?

im 18 almost 19 and i found a used car the i would love and fits me perfectly. the problem is that it is 34000 and i have no credit yet because i just use cash and still have all my cell phone and insurence in my parents names to prevent large costs so i have no credit. i get paid 40000 a year at my job and have 3k to put on a down payment. im not to sure on auto loans and financing but would i be able to find a company that would accept me i would probably have my parents co sign? so i guess my question is what do i do and what is the best way to go about building credit without credit cards? also how much do the loans pay it all? would i put my whole months paycheck into my payment for it?
Auto loan for me?
Finding a bad credit auto lender take a little bit of work to find the right one. When looking to buy a new or used car, the dealer may offer bad credit financing, or refer you to a lender. Car buyers should consider arranging their own financing. Bad credit auto loans are simple yet complicated and some lenders will try to take%26lt;!--advantage of you. It helps to know your available options.Before applying for a car loan, try to get a copy of your personal credit report. Lenders base approval on your credit score and credit history. Some lenders classify sub prime borrowers as persons with scores below say 700. On the other hand, another lender may qualify a borrower with the same score for prime rates.

Unless you have a 700 or higher credit score, it might be a good idea to look at your credit report and see what you can do to improve your credit score. A 700 score will get you the best rates at the best loan terms. Any credit score higher will not change what a lender can offer you, since you will already qualify for the best loan deal. Where you will start having trouble is if you fall below a credit score of 700. When you fall below--%26gt;lenders see you as a risk and will start charging higher interest rates in order to offset the risk.At this point your only options are to seek a bad credit lender or get to work on fixing your credit score. There are a number of quick things to do to improve your credit rating and get the loan you need at the rate you want.
Auto loan for me?
It might really save you hassle to just get an automobile loan price on the web to verify what todays rates are. You might be pleasantly suprised. Also if your credit is not good, a lot of online loaners are more able to help people.

What I most often tell friends is that an online quote at is what I would do.
Reply:I went through the same thing once. It is a big Catch 22 for a while. There's definitely way out. You already have done some homework. That's good news.

Like you said, its a good Idea to find a Finance Company that will lend to you. That's your top priority. Do not as in NOT go for a Bad Credit Lenders. Those are gold diggers that will not help at all. Use your parents to Co-Sign if you can. That helps. Please remember that a Bad Credit Lender might not help Build Credit. But a nice Finance company that lends at a reasonable rate with your Parents, will certainly Build your Credit.

As far as payments are concerned, you definitely do not have to put entire paycheck into the payment. The payments are usually from 300 to 600 range. The banks are pretty flexible on the amount.

Good Luck %26amp; Enjoy your 1st Car.

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