Friday, March 12, 2010

What would buy a Land Cruiser or Tahoe 2008?

Land Cruiser

powerful refined V8 engine.

full time 4 wheel drive.

the Tahoe has poor reliability.
What would buy a Land Cruiser or Tahoe 2008?
land cruiser new or used over a new tahoe
What would buy a Land Cruiser or Tahoe 2008?
Tahoe because it has better value. I'd also consider the new Traverse also by Chevy. It seats I think 7-8 and gets like 24 MPG.
Reply:It depends on what you want to do with it. I do field work in Central America and have rented just about every kind of 4x4 there is over the years. So if off-roading is in your future, or even lots of gravel and rock roads, the Land Cruiser is a far better machine. The ride quality alone would do it for me.

But if your primary goal is to have a gas guzzling trophy to drive the kids to soccer practice in, then more of your neighbors will be impressed with the Tahoe, and of course it has more room inside.

My strongest advice for buying any car is this: Don't buy more car than you NEED. Establish what it is you really need (space, off-road ability, crash safety, fuel mileage, etc.), and then look at the vehicles that provide those things. Once you've assembled that group, don't go up-market from there without a really good reason. If you do, you're just using money that could be put to good use on something you don't need. In other words, if you can get everything you need from a Chevy, the extra money you spend on a BMW is waste. Imagine what it could do for your child's education, or as a donation to a worthy cause, etc.!

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